Monday, October 4, 2010


   I am officially out of credit card debt. And, I have my fingers crossed that this is it. Of course, now I'm broke but that's ok. October 20th will be the first day of my financial recovery.
   I'm going to pretend for now that I'm totally out of debt and that there is nothing known as equity line that needs to be paid back. I've lived in this house almost five years, which is about as long as it will take me to pay off the equity line but at least there is hope. Maybe time will go by as fast.
   One great thing about my "extreme poverty" budget is that I can not afford to buy potato chips. That is my biggest weakness after the shop-a-holic issue. I fall under the category of obese. (5 feet tall and 183 lbs a month ago.) I am now 174 pounds. Yes! Yes! and another Yes! I surprised myself. I'm not the type that eats huge meals. I actually eat healthy during meals. It's the snacks in between meals that are my problem. I would buy a large bag of chips and eat it in two days. I also ate a lot of sweets. (Can't afford those either unless I make them, but I'm also rather lazy so making is even less likely than buying.) What this means is that I'm losing weight without trying because I no longer have snacks.
  I was going to drop off some aluminum cans at the Boys and Girls Club, which they then sell for cash, and decided to walk instead of drive. I took the long way back. I actually stopped to talk to a woman that I don't like all that much. I figured that now that I'm trying to change my life, I should also try to be nice to people I dislike. We actually had a normal conversation without attacking each other (people here are polite when offending each other but this time we did not offend).
   I spent some time working in my micro-farm (also known as my backyard) pulling dead plants. The temperature was below freezing the last two nights. The day was nice and warm. (People from Florida and California would not agree.) I'll be posting photos eventually so anyone can see why I refer to my yard as a micro-farm. It's also a Certified Wildlife Habitat by the Wildlife Federation.
   It's hard to believe that I can be amusing and at times funny by reading this blog but right now, it's more like a brief journal. I'm trying to get in the habit of writing every day.
   My female cat has been by twice to get me to get off the computer. She does that if she feels I been sitting too long. She then has me walk back and forth behind her. She'll look back to make sure I'm following. She is quite annoying.    

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