Saturday, October 2, 2010

A very brief introduction

This is my second day eating out of my food storage. Yesterday I went with rice, dried peas, squash and Spam. Yes, Spam. I actually like it. I was born not long after World War II. During the war, Spam was one of the few meat products available where my parents lived so they got used to eating it, as did I as a young child. I didn't really need to eat it because I have plenty of meat in my freezers but I decided, why not? Today I went with left-overs, and for dinner fried chicken thigh (on it's own fat) with potatoes, corn and rice. I also had vegetables, such as lettuce and fresh tomatoes, both days. I have to use those in a relatively short time before they go bad. I brought a couple of hot pepper plants indoors since they don't grow too big and I have a large kitchen window. (And a big cat that likes to sit on the largest shelf.) I'm not planning on keeping track of all I eat since I don't want to bore myself to death or anyone who may some day read this blog.
   I went to the farmer's market to get a couple of onions while they were still available and to say hi to the people there. I sell berries and soaps but I'm done for the year. I got a few other things but they are all in my very short list of food items I can buy with my tiny food budget ($50.00 a month). My cats' is $40.00. I still have 18 days until Social Security and $10.00 left in the food budget. That sounds a lot worse than it is as I'll only need to buy milk between now and then.
   I don't want to make this long so I'll just introduce myself. I've been divorced 30 years (I learned my lesson). I have a married daughter who lives about 20 miles from here, a son who's going to college in Utah and a 4 year old grandson. My son has joint custody. They managed to set their issues aside and so far so good. They were both in the Air Force but after my grandson was born it became a problem since they were supposed to deploy to Iraq at the same time. She wanted to career with the Air Force so my son decided he would leave and use his Veterans Administration benefits for college. He's also doing an internship in the same Air Force base so it works out.

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