Thursday, October 7, 2010

Getting help from the universe

   I didn't post yesterday because I didn't have much to say except that I worked in the yards and inside the house. I did much the same today. Did I mentioned the old me was rather lazy? When you go through life feeling somewhat depressed even when you're not really unhappy some things give. That may sound contradictory but in my case it's not. When I'm depressed I like to be alone, I've been doing that. Yet at the same time I finally reached a point in my life where I no longer feel unhappy. (For me that's nothing short of a miracle.)
   My daughter came over and took me to lunch to a really great Chinese restaurant here in town. (One of the best in both our opinions and we have eatten in many.) I really wanted to order the choice with shrimp but it was more expensive than the versions with chicken or beef. I have this thing about ordering mid-price. I told the server I wanted it with beef, she wrote down the number for beef and then showed up with shrimp. They charged my daughter the lower price. (Great) My daughter then told me she was negotiating a lower price with the cell company so I no longer needed to pay my share (she gets three phone under her plan, so I've been using one of them because it was cheaper than my previous plan). That's $25 extra a month, which doesn't sound like much unless you have my budget. It's going to savings.
   I calculated that I can pay off my house by December 2016 based on the budget for repayment. I bought it December 2005. This morning I asked the Universe to help me pay it earlier These two incidents are not big deals but I took them as signs that it will take me less time. If you've read the book "The Secret" you will understand what I mean. That book has nothing new. I've known about it for a long time and it has worked for me on a number of occasions but, as I mentioned above, I deal with depression (never taken medications) and things working out well sort of put a damper on feeling depressed. When you have been in that mode since you were a very young child, depression can be a security blanket.
   I'm done with that also. No more hiding from life for me.

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